How to become a councillor

Being a councillor is a form of public service that helps to a make difference to other people's lives and to local communities.

People who can be councillors

Councils are looking for people from all walks of lives to represent communities. You can stand for election to become a councillor as long as you are

  • over 18 years of age
  • British, a Commonwealth citizen or citizen of any EU member state.

You must also meet one of the following

  • be registered to vote in the council area
  • have lived in the council area for the last 12 months
  • have had your main job in the council area for the last 12 months
  • have ownership or tenancy of property in the council area for the last 12 months.

Some people can't be councillors because of the job they currently hold or because they have been in prison or have been declared bankrupt.


Read on localcouncillor.scot.

Read the Electoral Commission's  about

  • the election campaign
  • spending and donations
  • standing as a candidate
  • attending electoral events
  • after the declaration of results.