Report a fraud

Fraud is a crime and we need your help to find the people who are cheating the system. Anyone who commits fraud is stealing and the Council is determined to track down anyone committing fraud.

Report a possible fraud online 

We are committed to providing high quality public services, so we need to protect ourselves and you from fraud and corruption. We are doing this by

  • recovering the claims
  • investigating fraud claims
  • raising awareness of fraud and corruption
  • referring these claims onto the Police and Procurator Fiscal for prosecution
  • monitoring and publishing our progress so that we can keep you up to date
  • encouraging you to tell us about people you know who are cheating the system.

Scam alert

We have become aware that some companies have contacted citizens offering to pay their Council Tax or Business Rates accounts on their behalf, and claiming to offer a discount on sums owed. We do not offer any discounts for paying on time or in full.

These messages and offers can seem very convincing but you should avoid them. If you think you have been a victim of a fraud, contact . Also ask for advice before handing over any money for a service.